Michael Sugarman

    Priority Health - Shifting Gears

    California Almonds - Fitting Room

    Old Spice - Northen Gent

    Old Spice - Northen Gent

    Qualcomm - World Without Mobile

    EA Sports - Coach Dempsey

    Uber - Open The Door

About Michael Sugarman

Michael Sugarman directs commercials and interactive experiences advertising cars, drugs, dog food, video games, airlines, theme parks, soft drinks, and other things you can legally get in exchange for money. His social and interactive films have been shared by more people than the current population of Argentina, which is not to say that anyone in Argentina actually knows who he is. Argentina in this context is just a way of bragging without sounding too up himself.

But while we’re being braggy, his work has also been honored at the Cannes Lions, Cannes Young Director competition, Best Ads on TV, Campaign BIG Awards, Effie Awards, Favorite Website Awards (FWA), Video of the Day (VOTD), and has appeared multiple times on Adweek‘s Top 10 and Creativity‘s Top 20 lists. Ok, that’s it for the bragging. He lives in Brooklyn and Berlin. Oh! and an Emmy nomination.
